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Carter Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching, Univ. of Houston, 1993
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美国瓦布莱索大学工商管理学院 金振琥 教授 ZHENHU JIN, Ph. D College of Business Administration Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN 46393 219-465-7956 [email protected] EDUCATION 学历 博士 1994年5月休斯顿大学 主修:金融财务 副修:经济学 Ph. D University of Houston, May 1994 Major: Finance; Minor: Economics 工商管理硕士 1991年5月休斯顿大学 MBA University of Houston, May 1991 硕士 1989年7月休斯顿大学 专业:英语应用语言学 MA University of Houston, July 1989 Major: English (Applied Linguistics) 学士 1982年7月上海师范大学外语系英语专业 EMPLOYMENT: 工作经历 Valparaiso University Professor of Finance with Tenure 2006 �C 2006 年至今 美国瓦布莱索大学正教授(终身) 主要教授MBA及本科生 金融财务课程 Valparaiso University Associate Professor of Finance with Tenure 2002 - 2006 2002 年 �C 2006 年 美国瓦布莱索大学副教授 主要教授MBA及本科生 金融财务课程 2008年9月 上海财经大学MBA学院 EMBA 投资学 2007 年5月, 11月. 江西财经大学国际学院兼职教授 讲授公司金融, 国际金融. Capella University Adjunct Faculty 2001 �C 2001 年至今, 美国卡倍拉大学兼职教授. Taught doctoral and master level courses online. Served as mentor to many doctoral learners. Chaired many dissertation committees. 教授博士和硕士生金融财务课程.博士生导师.任博士论文委员会主席,指导了十余篇博士论文. 现指导博士生数名. Illinois Wesleyan University Associate Professor of Finance 2000 - 2002 2002 年 �C 2006 年, 美国伊利诺惠斯理大学副教授(终身) 主要教授管理金融、投资学、金融机构、投资组合等课程 Illinois Wesleyan University Assistant Professor of Finance 1994 - 2000 1994 年 �C 2000年 美国伊利诺惠斯理大学助理教授 主要教授管理金融、投资学、金融机构、投资组合等课程 Univ. of Houston Teaching Fellow 1989-1994 1989年至1994年 美国休斯顿大学商学院 助教 Taught Managerial Finance, and Money & Capital Markets at both undergraduate and graduate levels 为研究生和本科生教授金融财务管理、货币资本市场等课程 Univ. of Houston (Downtown) Adjunct Faculty 1991-1993 1991年至1993年 休斯顿大学 城中校区兼职教师 Taught Business Finance, Money & Banking, and Investments 讲授商业金融、货币与银行业及投资等课程 , Univ. of Houston Teaching Fellow 1986-1989 1986年至1989年 美国休斯顿大学英语系 助教 Taught freshman and sophomore writing; Served as a computer assisted writing instructor 大学一年级和二年级英语写作课. 电脑辅助写作指导. Shanghai Teachers' Univ. Faculty 1982-1986 1982年至1986年 上海师范大学外语系英语专业助教 Taught various college level English courses 讲授专业英语课程 AWARDS: 获奖 Recipient of ASIANetwork Freeman Foundation Student-Faculty Research Fellowship Grant January, 2000 Recipient of the “Distinguished Paper Award” from the Midwest Academy of Finance and Insurance, 1999 1999年获美国中西部金融保险学会“最佳论文奖” "Professor of the Year", Theta Chi, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1996 1996年获Illinnois Wesleyan大学“年度教授奖” Melcher Teaching Excellence Award, University of Houston, 1994 1994年获休斯顿大学“优秀教学奖” Carter Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching, Univ. of Houston, 1993 1993年获休斯顿大学“优秀教学奖” Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship, Univ. of Houston, 1993 1993年获休斯顿大学院长优秀博士论文奖 Consulting Experience 咨询经历 1998年至今 任美国全国证券商委员会仲裁员 Public Arbitrator, National Association of Security Dealers (NASD) 1998 - I have been involved in many cases since I passed the exam and received my Arbitrator's Certificate in 1998. Most of the cases involve disputes between brokers and individual investors or between employees in securities firms and their employers, some of the best known firms in the nation. The claims range from several hundred thousand to 15 million dollars. On average, I participated in two to three cases a year. I typically work with two other arbitrators to go over the materials submitted by the attorneys from both the claimants and respondents and attend hearings. Based on the facts as presented and according to the arbitration rules, I make my decision on the case. Swire Beverage China, a Coca Cola bottler. March 2000, January, 2001, December 2001, December 2002, and December 2003. I conducted financial analysis of the operations of several bottling plants in China and helped to design and develop the Advanced Management Program for executives in Swire Beverage, a subsidiary of Swire Corporation, an international conglomerate based on England. . Illinois Wesleyan University Faculty advisor/overseer of student investment portfolio. 1996 - 2002 I was in charge of the overseeing the portfolio, part of the university endowment. The market value of the portfolio ranged from $350,000 to $1.1 million. I was intimated involved in the investment decision making process and the execution of the orders. 部分已发表学术论文 REFEREED ACADEMIC JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS: “ Firm Performance and Stock Returns �C An Empirical Study of the Top Performing Stocks Listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange” Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Accepted and Forthcoming. “Voluntary Stock Option Expensing: Is It A Positive Signal?”, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 15-35 “Transparent Reporting: Characteristics of Companies That Voluntarily Elect to Expense Stock Options”, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006, pp. 25-40. “American Expatriates: An Inquiry Examining Knowledge Transfer and Acquisition”, Journal of Current Research in Global Business, Vol. 8, No. 12, Fall 2005, pp. 81-90. “The Integration of Capital Markets: Correlation Analysis of the Stock Market Indexes in Greater China Economies”, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2005, pp. 43-53. "Business Restructure and Firm Performance - Evidence from Publicly Traded Firms in China", Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal , Vol.8, No. 3, 2004, pp. 117-126 "Determinants of Life Insurance Demand at the Provincial Level in China", The Baker Chair Journal of Insurance, Risk and Public Risk Management, Vol. II, No. 1, Spring, 2004, pp.13 - 19. "Waking Tiger", Best's Review - Insurance Issues and Analysis, August, 2003, pp 119 - 122. “An Empirical Study of Differential Market Reaction to Stock Repurchase Announcements” Journal of Applied Business Research Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002, pp. 45 �C 53. “Using Discriminant Analysis to Predict the Market Reaction to Open-Market Stock Repurchase Announcements” Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2002, pp. 81-90. “An Empirical Study of Market Reaction to Recent Stock Splits” Review of the Academy of Finance Vol.1, No. 1, March 2001 pp. 106-114 “The Yield Effect or Initiation Effect: A Further Analysis of the Market Reaction to Dividend Initiation Announcements” Journal of Accounting and Finance Research Vol.8, Number 1, pp. 80 - 86, Summer 2000 “On Differential Market Reaction to Dividend Initiation Announcements” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 40 (2000) pp. 263-277 “The New Labor Mobility in China: Causes and Implications” Journal of Socio-Economics, 29 (2000) pp. 39-56 “A Variance Ratio Test on Random Walk of the Chinese Stock Markets” Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp 121-127, Spring 2000 “Risk, Return and Efficiency of the Chinese ADRs on the NYSE” Journal of Academy of Business Administration, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 46-54, Fall, 1999 “Using Discriminant Analysis to Predict The Market Reaction to Dividend Initiations” Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance Vol. 13, No. 1, pp 142-153, Spring 1999, “The Short-term Return on Chinese B Share IPO and Their Determinants” Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance Vol. 13, No. 1, pp 111- 120, Spring 1999. “Determinants of Stock Prices in Segmented Markets: An Empirical Study of the Chinese Stock Market” The Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, Vol 5, No. 5, pp 1-9, Winter, 1998. “Executive Compensation Structure and Stock Performance: the Effect of Industry and Time” Journal of Academy of Business Administration, Vol 3, No.1, pp 27-37, Spring, 1998 OTHER REFEREED PUBLICATION: “Tests of Weak Form Market Efficiency of the Chinese Stock Markets” Global Business Trends, Contemporary Readings: 2000 Edition, pp. 117 - 124, Edited by Sam Fullerton and David Moore CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: “The Determinants of IPO Performance - Evidence from the Chinese “A” Share Market” American Society of Business and Behavioral Societies Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp 146-154, February 1998. "Stock Market Performance, Capital Expenditure, Capacity Utilization and Consumer Spendin." American Society of Business and Behavioral Societies Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp 140-149. February, 19, 97. "Rapid Growth, High Volatility, Limited Participation, and Potential for Further Growth, A Review of the Five-Year History of the Chinese Stock Markets". Fourth Business Researh Conference Proceedings, pp 103- 117. Indiana University, October, 1995. Book Review Greater China: Political Economy, Inward Investment and Business Culture, eds. Chris Rowley and Mark Lewis, China Information, Vol. XI, No. 4, Spring, 1997 Conference Presentations “The Integration of Capital Markets: Correlation Analyses of the Stock Price Indexes in Greater China Economies”, Presented at An International Conference of The Integration of the Greater Chinese Economies: Causes, Consequences, and Implications, Hong Kong, China, July 2002 “Is the Chinese Stock Market Efficient?- Test on the Four Major Indices”, co-authored with Anthony Gu, Presented at the 2002 Academy of Finance Annual Meeting. “An Empirical Study of Market Reaction to Recent Stock Splits”, Presented at Midwest Academy of Finance and Insurance 2001 Annual Meeting. “Yield Effect or Initiation Effect: A Further Analysis of Dividend Initiation Announcements.” Presentation at 1999 American Academy of Accounting and Finance Annual Meetings. “Executive Compensation Structure and Stock Performance: the Effect of Industry and Time” co-authored with Yulong Ma, Presented at 1998 Academy of Business Administration Annual Meetings. "Using Discriminant Analysis to Predict The Market Reaction to Dividend Initiations", co-authored with Yanxian Gu, Presented at the 1999 Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Meeting. "The Short-term Return on Chinese B Share IPO and Their Determinants," co-authored with Yanxian Gu, Presented at the 1999 Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Meeting. “Determinants of Stock Prices in Segmented Markets: An Empirical Study of the Chinese Market” coauthored with David Russell, presented at 1998 meeting of Financial Management International "Stock Market Performance and Real Economic Activity, An Empirical Analysis", co-authored with Yulong Ma , presented at 1997 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. "Executive Pay and Company Performance", Co-authored with Yulong Ma, presented at 1997 Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting. "On Differential Market Reaction to Dividend Initiation Announcements", presented at 1996 Financial Management Association Meeting. "Information Content and Agency Cost Reduction", presented at 1995 Southwest Finance Association Meetings. "The Emerging Chinese Equity Market", presented at the 1995 Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs.